• AlEwan
  • AlbaPlena
  • Anticipation
  • BettyFoySanders
  • BettySheffield
  • CottonCandy
  • Dahlonega
  • DoubleRainbow
  • Egao
  • Magnoliaeflora

North Georgia Camellia Society Meeting Minutes_Oct_09_2023

The zoom meeting was called to order @ 7:05 pm by Suzi Modisett, Treasurer. John Scarpucci, President, was presenting at the Marietta Garden Club to encourage participation in our Feb. 2024 flower show.

Old Business: Two corrections to the September 30, 2023 minutes were requested: the cost of plants was $1,957.75 and the spelling of Ms. Deen Day Smith’s name. Pending these corrections, the previous meeting minutes were approved.

Our current checking account balance is $3,133.88.

Unfortunately, John Newsome, our former president, continues his recovery from his shoulder fracture. He’s unable to bear weight on the affected arm while walking. Please send cards and letters for encouragement. John and Penny plan to meet with him to discuss procedures of running a sanctioned flower show.

Suzi and Phil have been working to create a club logo for embroidery and print. The cost to pursue will be $425. Suzi stated she will make a substantial donation and encouraged all members to donate as well. Please send a check made to NGCS and address to Suzi Modisett, 631 Norfleet Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30305.

The Atlantic Coast Camellia Society convention & auction was held this past weekend in Savannah. John and Penny identified 12-14 potential flower show judges. Jan Pruckler toured a local garden and Jim Pruckler visited a garden of coastal bamboo.

New Business We can use our Square Readers to accept membership dues. We will begin this soon. There’s a 3.5% processing fee for each transaction.

Penny will write flower advertisements for local publications this week.

A number of club members are going to the GA. National Fair in Perry, GA this coming weekend to see the Camellia Show on Friday, Oct. 13th. Members were urged to volunteer time to prepare flowers or clerk during the show as preparation for our show in Feb. There’s another show the following weekend at the South Carolina State Fair in Columbia, SC.

Our Feb. 2024 show: Jan will inventory flower cards; Jan & John will order the new flower cards needed to comply with the American Camellia Society’s new cards. They have increased the number of colors.

The ATL History Center files our past show programs. The most recent program for the ATL Camellia Society is dated 1976. The programs should list the rules to be followed during the show. John and Penny will ask if John Newsome has them on his laptop.

Susan Benson will make a board book with minutes, rules and other documents for our club. Sally Seeds suggested posting documents on our website instead of a written book. While I wait for access to our website I’ll begin a written book.

Plant Sales: plants will be stored in the same room in ATL Botanical Gardens used last year. It’s accessed from the top level of the parking garage. They will arrive on Friday, Feb. 9th. Dale Berrong asked for plant transfer help from his garden to ABG.

Suzi closed the meeting at 8:01pm.


Our flower show: Saturday, Feb 10 -Sunday, Feb 11, 2024.

Bloom Entry: Saturday, Feb 10th @ 8:00 am-10:30 am

Flower Show Preparation Training for our club members: Saturday, Jan. 6, 2024 from 10 am-12 pm @ Bellmere Garden House in Duluth, GA

Written & submitted by Susan Benson