North Georgia Camellia Society Meeting Minutes_Jan_06_2024
The meeting held at the Bellmere Garden house was called to order @ 10:15 am by John Scarpucci, President.
Old Business: minutes from last meeting were not discussed
Eight visitors were welcomed to the meeting. They were asked to introduce themselves and most were Fulton County Master Gardeners Several were friends attending with Master Gardeners.
The online plant sale was announced and a reminder that 48 plants would be available during the Feb 10-11 show. They will be stored on the lower level of Mershon Hall the day before the show then moved to Day Hall on day one of the show.
Speaker: Rick Smith, The Pruning Guru, certified Georgia Landscaper Professional. Rick trained while employed by the former Post Properties in metro Atlanta. Upon completion of his work with Post, he began his company called The Pruning Guru. He has thirty years of landscaping experience. Rick recommended the book Pruning and Training by Brickell and sold on Amazon. Mr. Smith provided the following advice to attendees:
-Rule before planting: research the plant, determine mature size and desired light exposure prior to planting
-Reasons to prune: symmetry, removal of dead plant material including split bark post severe freeze, removal of diseased branches & foliage and removal of leaves and branches with insects.
-Recommended tools:
Felco Bypass hand pruners, (Rick uses #7 Felco Bypass pruners) they can be sharpened easily. Anvil hand pruners dull quickly and do not have a narrow tip for accurate pruning.
Short Fiskar Polo pruners (pruning hedges)
Extension Fiskar Polo pruners (pruning tall hedges)
Gator Lock pruners (battery operated pruners, will cut up to 4" limbs, $100-$150
Fiskar Pole Saw
Fertilizer: All purpose fertilizer 14-14-14 has micro nutrients which are not found in 10-10-10. Micro nutrients stimulate plant health.
Prune vs. Shear: shearing is the removal of only the top of a plant which over time decreases light exposure and air flow to the center and lowers branches of the plant. Shrubs/trees can be rejunviated by removing 2/3rds in Jan-May. Thin to increase light exposure and air flow. Using diagonal cuts and staggered height cuts, prune to the top of a bud such that branches are created and water rolls off branch. Stagger pruning cuts to create different heights to increase air flow and light. This also ensures the shrub will be full and round. Remove all dead branches, start in the center of the shrub/tree then continue pruning in a star pattern until cuts are completed in a full 360 degree direction.
Camellia Japonicas: a Japonica with 3 hrs. of light/day should be pruned thinner than those with 6hrs. light/day. Stagger cuts for a full, round shrub.
Japanese Maples: Prune after new foliage has hardened off or in winter when no leaves are present.
Stem rot: caused by leaf litter or too much mulch surrounding stems, the plant will develop a secondary root system which will kill the original roots. The plant's energy should be directed to large, deep roots.
Hydrangea pruning:
if plant has tiny buds it blooms on new wood (prune to 6" in winter if desired)
if plant has large buds it blooms on old wood (only remove dead/diseased limbs)
Clean pruning blades: Rick and his team use liquid Lysol diluted with water after pruning each shrub/tree to prevent disease transmission.
5 minute break
Judges party: Friday, Feb 9, 2024 at the home of Sally Seeds, $50/person donation.
Phil Jones has reserved his real estate bus and has agreed to transport judges to the party and back to the hotel.
"Chaser" parking tickets for ATL Botanical Gardens: $10/day, contact Suzi Modisett to purchase, non-refundable
Our Head Judge, Tommy Alden has scheduled 15 flower show judges. We will have five teams of three judges. A $20 box lunch will be provided for the judges. If anyone else would like to purchase a special order box lunch please notify Suzi Modisett to order in advance. John anticipates 750 blooms may be displayed during our flower show.
Awards will be given to local and non-local growers. Inexperienced growers will be encouraged to participate. Deen Day Smith will cut the ribbon at 1:00 pm to open the flower show. Two new awards will be given this year. Best Deen Day Smith and John Newsome Best Ville de Nantes.
Many Fulton County Master gardeners have been recruited for all duties related to the show. The reception party will be held at the home of Sally Seeds.
5 minute break
2024 Flower Show Preparation Training:
Preserving cut flowers for several days prior to show
Stem can be placed into a fresh grape or places inside a floral, capped, test tube filled with water and a powdered floral perservative. Tranport blooms inside a lidded container on a bed of polyfil, cotton or moss. Place one two-way humidity control pack to control moisture and preserve freshness.
This will be an American Camellia Society sanctioned show.
Clothing Wear comfortable walking shoes, no flowing sleeves, long scarfs, long necklaces or lanyards which could become entangled with blooms
Receiving duties 7 am-10:30 am receive entries
There will be tables for Novice entries and tables for Experienced entries.
Unprotected blooms are those grown in natural surroundings without any manmade protection from the elements.
A Novice/Local Exhibitor is an individual who has never won a Head Table Award @ an ACS Camellia show. These exhibitors will use a buff colored card with a green sticker on the upper left corner. Exhibitor is not required to be a member of camellia society.
Entries must have only one bloom to a stem. Blooms must have one but not more than two leaves which may or may not be attached.
Exhibitor prepares flowers & leaves in correct size cup w/water, lip of cup to support bloom, a fresh green grape can be submerged with the stem if desired. Assistants may have scissors to trim stems if needed.
Ensure entry cards include each of the following written twice on each card, at the top & bottom.
- name of variety (Dr. Clifford Parks should be written as "Dr." not as Doctor Clifford Parks, follow Camellia Nomenclature book for varietal names)
- bloom size circled (according to latest edition of Camellia Nomenclature 2024, if bloom includes 2 sizes, the smaller size shall be used)
- class entered (see show program for a list of class)
- Name & address of exhibitor, A return address sticker may be used to denote name & address of exhibitor.
- Fold card, enter bottom into catch tab, place under cup
Place cups with corresponding entry card on a tray, place tray on Placement Table.
Placement duties: take tray to exhibition tables, place cup and card on the table in alphabetical order using the first letter of the variety name. Example Dr. Clifford Parks should be placed with Japonicas beginning with the letter "D" then continue to follow alphabetical order. Turn cup to display prettiest view of bloom. Judges look for symmetry, color and form. Jan Pruckler, Head Placement
Clerking duties: 2 clerks per team of 3 judges
Introduce yourself to your judges as soon as possible, do not crowd them.
You may be asked to move a bloom so them can take a better look.
Raise your hand if you have a question.
One clerk should hole punch the entry card as designated by the judging team, an entry card could have 2 different holes to corespond to 2 different judges award
The other clerk should affix 1 or 2 stickers on the upper right corner of entry card, one sticker for each to represent each judges award: blue-first place, red-second place, yellow-third place
If a judge comes to their bloom they must step back allowing another judge to perform the duty.
After instruction by the Head Clerk, clerks remove entry card stubs on only blooms that did not go to Contention Table. Turn in to the Counters/Recording Committee after separating by place then by exhibitor.
Katie Linquist, Head Clerk
Judges select a bloom by placing a card "SEE ME AT THE HEAD TABLE" on top of an entry card
-take selected blooms & cards to Sizing Table
-then to Contention Table (semi finalist table)
-take selected blooms & cards from Contention Table to Head Table
Contention Table: Judges choose the best one for each category. These will contend for
- Best Bloom In Show, Unprotected
- Best Bloom In Show, Protected
- Best Deen Day, Protected and Unprotected
- John Newsome Award, Best Ville de Nantes, Protected and Unprotected
Counting/Recording Committee
Clerks remove stubs only blooms that did not go to Contention Table. Turn in
to the Counters/Recording Committee.
Separate tabs into stacks by place and then by exhibitor to determine winners.
Sweepstakes, 2 awards given
-Grower who gets most blue ribbons, Unprotected and Protected
-Runner up to sweepstakes
New Business
Plant Sale: Plants will be priced at $50 each plus tax, cash, check, debit and credit accepted
Upcoming Events
Zoom meeting: Monday, Feb 5th @ 7 pm
Flower show: Saturday, Feb 10 -Sunday, Feb 11, 2024
Bloom Entry: Saturday, Feb 10th @ 7:00 am-10:30 am
Judging: Saturday, Feb 10th @ 10:30 am-12:30 pm
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Written & submitted by Susan Benson